
All things gidhub can be found here.  If anything is missing no it isn't.

GidHub Hours
GH1 (SC6507) 8:00am-8:00pm | GH2 (SC6514) 8:00am-12:00am | GH3 (SC6408) 8:00am-12:00am

What is Gidhub?
The physical home of the SyBBURE Program. Gidhub is a space for exploration, design, and execution of various technical and creative projects. Undergraduate students use Gidhub to complete a collaborative design project, complement their research lab resources, and explore new technologies and fields.

What is GidhubHub?
A digital platform to organized and access all logistics relating to Gidhub; this includes ordering supplies, reserving equipment, finding training resources and much more. By centralizing this information, Gidhub becomes more accessible to students who may not know where to start exploring.

GidHub resources are privileges that SyBBURE can only provide if the spaces and equipment are respected. As with any lab, there is no one who is responsible to clean up after lab members. If you use it, you take care of it. All SyBBURE students are expected to maintain GidHub, as messiness and disorganization quickly become safety hazards and liabilities. This can lead to restricted or revoked gidhub access, for some or all students.  

To use GidHub, you must adhere to the lab policies regarding tidiness, organization, and equipment upkeep and maintenance. Make sure to hold others accountable for keeping all spaces clean and organized by reminding other lab members if you notice anything. Maintain professionalism and proper lab etiquette when in gidhub spaces. One-off issues can be brought up directly with those involved. Recurring issues can be called out in slack, brought up at thinktank, or brought to the attention of the post-bacc fellows or lab manager if needed.